When doing research on a topic on the web, many a times, you will need to create a group of bookmarks (favorites) to articles and resources that you have found useful in your research. Being able to publish these and share them with others in one operation is something that
can help you with.
Not only can you make use of www.linqto.me
to save bookmarks and access them anywhere from any device, index and search for them afterwards, but you can also create lists of bookmarks associated with a specific topic and publish them online. In this article we will walk you through how simple this can be done.
Step 1:
Create a few bookmarks to things and resources that are interesting for you. You may consider adding the www.linqto.me
bookmarklet to your browser so you can quickly bookmark resources without leaving the page you are reading. See the following article for more details on this.
Step 2:
Create a note with a succinct (or not so succinct) description of the topic you are doing research on. You may consider adding keywords to both the note and the bookmarks so that they can be found while searching for content within your personal archive.
Step 3:
Associate the bookmarks (favorites) with the newly created note. To do this, simply click the 'pin' icon next to the 'New' 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons available on top of a note.
This will take you do the list of bookmarks you have recently added to www.linqto.me. Notice that each bookmark now has a 'pin' icon to the left which, when clicked, will associate the bookmark to the note.
You can continue adding more bookmarks to the same note by clicking the 'pin' icon in front of them. The floating window at the bottom of the screen will show you just how many bookmarks are associated with the current Note. When you have finished, you can just click the 'Close X' button on the floating window and be returned to the Note that you have created.
However, the 'Recently Created Bookmarks' bookmarks view is not the only way in which you can create a bookmark list. Once you have clicked on the pin icon from the Note you wish yo add favorites to, you can also use the 'Search' feature from www.linqto.me
to search for bookmarks you have created previously. Just click the 'Search My' button and do a search for favorites you have created under your account. The 'pin' button will also appear in front of each result of a search you perform allowing you to associate multiple bookmarks with the note in the same way.
All that is left now is to share your newly created note (along with the associated bookmarks) to any website where you would like to post your content. You can achieve this quickly with the Share control located at the bottom of the page, which gives you quick access to posting the note to social media sites.
If not, you can also use the 'Copy' next to the url of the note to copy the url into the clipboard and then paste it on the site you are sharing the bookmark list to.
The Linqto.me Team